Dear valued customers/visitors to Palmerri,
On May 17 2024, we received 2 emails from 2 people who haven’t made any purchases from Palmerri. Their emails were to reply to an email entitled “Your bill suspension” which was sent from Xfinity.com <support@palmerri.com> as in the captured image below:

By this notice, we would like to inform our customers and visitors to our website that we do not send that email and haven’t figured out why our email address was attached to that scam email. Also, we would like to advise customers and visitors to delete that email, do not click to any links in that email and do not provide any personal/financial information as requested in that email.
We will work with our email service provider to check if there are any possible security risks and frauds detected to our email system and hope to resolve them all at the soonest.
We sincerely apologize for any inconveniences that might have caused you and appreciate your cooperation.
Thank you.
Sincerely yours,
Palmerri Team